Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back Again

Been kinda busy, runnin the canvass office while my boss has been out in Vietnam, or 'Nam, as I like to refer to it, on vacation. Things have definitely been fairly stressful, but rewarding in a way as far as being a personal test. Sounds like my boss is having fun, even though it looked like he almost got himself in a little bit of trouble with some of the locals from the video he emailed me...

Anyhow, some interesting stuff has been going on upon the world stage, and since I've been fairly delinquint We'll hop right into...


Ron Paul, Ralph Nader agree on 'progressive-libertarian alliance' http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/ron-paul-ralph-nader-agree-on-progressive-libertarian-alliance/

Nader: Progressive-libertarian alliance ‘the most exciting new political dynamic’ in US http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2011/01/progressive-libertarianism-the-exciting-political-dynamic-ralph-nader/#

Progressives Should Target the Real Robber Barons http://dailypaul.com/node/150655



Olbermann Ouster: Immelt Helps Obama with his Left Flank on the Eve of a Monstrous State of the Union Address http://tarpley.net/2011/01/22/olbermann-ouster-helps-obama/

Shut Down The Federal Reserve, Break Up The Big Banks And 16 Other Ideas Barack Obama Could Have Proposed If He Actually Wanted To Fix The Economy


America Plundered by the Global Elite http://www.augustreview.com/issues/globalization/america_plundered_by_the_global_elite_2005051812/

Rethinking Veganism


Angels and Demons: Polar Energies http://newagegathering.com/News/article/sid=353.html

Ask the Unicorn: Introduction to the Five Bodies http://asktheunicorn.com/2011/01/12/introduction-to-the-5-bodies/

Time Control Technology Disclosure


The Mystery Airship of 1896


Thursday, January 6, 2011


Albeit over a week late. Sorry, it's been a few days since I posted anything, I was bouncing around New England for the holidays visiting family and friends. I have, especially over the past few years, found myself intrigued by the concept of time, and the different human perceptions of it and how it effects our lives. From the earliest use of the sun and stars and the cycles of the moon and seasons by prmitive man, to the amazingly sophisticated calendars of the ancient peoples like the Egyptians, the Chinese and of course, the Mayans with their infamous calendar and the facts, theories, and falsehoods surrounding that. Then we have the Roman Julian calender named after one Julius Caesar. Finally Rome, (via the Vatican) and eventually the entire world, for all standard purposes, adopted the Gregorian calendar and method of tracking and viewing time. The Gregorian calendar, which is the calendar we use today was implemented by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. A long ass time ago. As we find ourselves in the early part of the 21st century, there have been many breakthroughs in the field of quantum physics, due to the work of such intellectual heavyweights like Albert Einstein, Steven Hawking, and many others.
Time is ingrained in nearly every aspect of modern life. People need to be on time to work; people always ask 'what time is it?'; people always say they don't have enough, if any time; then people kill time; people know, that in time, they will eventually die. Our view of time is very linear, with a "set" beginning and a presumable end. As a result of these impositions, many people feel time as a cruel slave master that will ultimately kill them. This is especially true for the debt slaves that find themselves in the "rat race" to work and consume and eventually be discarded when they become too old or sick to serve the machine's purpose and left isolated until their time runs out. Our modern linear view of time is a prison in and of itself.
Perhaps a new way of viewing and relating to time is in order to achieve a progressive evolution for humanity. What I mean by that is the human species living up to its highest potential, while honoring the sanctity of individual free will while having every sentient being realize the interconnectedness of all beings. A lofty goal I'm well aware, but I do believe achievable at some point given the right actions taken by all participants, including myself.
But enough ranting, here's the good shit...

Going round in circles
In contradiction to most cosmologists’ opinions, two scientists have found evidence that the universe may have existed for ever

Time, Experience and Reality

Foundation for the Law of Time


US congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shot in Arizona

Peter King, Leading Republican To Introduce Strict Gun-Control Legislation

Outlaw That Speech Because it MIGHT be a Threat

Wage Drop Has Been Worst In Decades

US Says Too Much Fluoride Causing Splotchy Teeth
US Says Fluoride Is Causing Splotchy Teeth, Maybe Other Ills; Calls For Lower Levels In Water



'Second Thoughts about Fluoride,' Reports Scientific American

Fluoride water 'causes cancer'

Use of Sodium Fluoride for Population Behavior Control


Why is Fluoride Bad for You?

An Untested Type of Flouride is Used in the Overwhelming Majority of US Water Supplies

Obama's Internet ID Plan: Here's What You Need To Know http://www.businessinsider.com/obamas-internet-id-2011-1#ixzz1AoV1I9kg

WikiLeaks: Julian Assange 'faces execution or Guantánamo detention'