
One cannot truly know light without first understanding darkness. From time immemorial, man has looked to the cosmos in awe, looking for many of the answers to the timeless questions of his existence within its vast expanse. From knowledge of basic survival, such as weather and seasonal patterns, to that of the patterns of time and change, all the way to the understandings of the innermost workings of man himself; humans have looked to the heavens with a feeling of awe and reverance, as well as fear, with a sense of an innately known kinship. The light and dark energies that work with one another as well as in opposition, to help create the reality that each person perceives in their own unique way. All the way back to the times before ancient history, men of varying levels of enlightened consciousness and wisdom have sought to not only understand these energies, but put them to use for either good or malevolent purposes. An early to mid- twentieth century german philosopher and clairvoyant named Rudolph Steiner, best known for establishing the Waldorf Schools, took an interesting insight into the classification of the major light and dark energies that work to create the experience of our reality. He first went and broke down the current Christian concept of "the Devil" into two distinct entities: first there is Lucifer, the bearer of light. A controversial character from religeous lore, it is said that Lucifer was the best and brightest of all the angelic beings, but it was his pride that got the better of him, refusing to bow down before God as well as man, he revolted, and ultimately lost. He and his followers were cast out of heaven, and onto the realm of Earth to act as obstacles in the evolution of mankind. Other stories give a different role to Lucifer, as more of an enlightener of mankind, bring the true occult knowledge of the tree to a mankind that was wished to be kept in ignorance by the Archons of this material world. Others claim him to be the true creator of mankind. A member of a highly evolved race that 'interfered' with the evolution of mankind, manipulating their DNA. He felt symathy for the oppression of his creations, and clandestinely sought to give them the 'fire' of knowledge and intellect, making them more than dumb beasts. This enraged his masters, the Elohim, who punished him as well as mankind for his disobedience. The character of Lucifer is also closely identified with the Greek mythological demigod, Prometheus.
The traits of the 'Luciferian' aspects of consciousness include creativity, yearning for knowledge and illumination, passion, pride, rebelliousness, ego-centricity, and self-delusion. Modern 'conspiracy' thought places the theosoph luciferian non-religion at the center of notions of an illuminati/freemasonic takeover of the upper-levels of the world hierarchy. These energies and their 'servants' supposedly wish to keep the masses ignorant, deluded, and sedated, leaving the true knowledge of the workings of the powers that be to a select few. The followers of a star of false light. The second aspect of Steiner's devil was named Ahriman. This is after the god of darkness of the Zoroastrian religion of ancient Persia, modern-day Iran. In Zoroastrianism there were two prime gods; Ahura Mazda, god of light and creation; and his brother, Angra Mainyu, or Ahriman, god of darkness and death. The Christian concepts of God vs. Devil were heavily influenced by this elder religion. In contrast to the airy and hot nature of the Light Bearer, Ahriman is said to be a very cold, dense, machine-like energy. He is the supposed lord of the world of matter. He is said to cause the worship of materialism and be resposible for the 'mechanization' of the natural world and it's resources, as well as that of mankind itself. Ahriman wishes man to be of pure matter-base, absence of spirit. A cold, calculating animal, losing bits of soul and spirit until finally sinking into the abyss of the eighth sphere. Ahriman also has the qualities of being mindful of our presence in this world and maintains basic survival needs which are essential. Now, lying in between these two polar opposites that often lead to the diversion of man, lies what is known as the Christ Impulse or energy. Which is simply the energy of love, kindness, and compassion. The great equalizer of the haughty nature of Lucifer and the cold and mechanistic presence of Ahriman. I remember groing up, I was always fascinated by myths, legends, and tales of the un-explainable and the supernatural. I remember playing with my cousins as we would search around in the mysterious corners of the house, as well as some of the 'creepier' old spots around town for entrances to the 'Enchanted World', a place where all the things that supposedly did not exist, resided in secret, coming to this world from time to time. The impulse changed and matured as I grew older, as I looked into and practiced ways of the spirit paths and occult traditions, ultimately coming to face with the light and the dark that lives within my own being and looking to relate it to what I see in my external perceived reality. Looking to the heavens and the stars above for answers much as those of antiquity did many millennia ago. The realization and understanding of these archetypes and energetic impulses lies at the core of the human experience. It is, ultimately a balancing act. Too much of either the higher or the lower energetic qualities creates an imbalance in the individual, as well as the society as a whole. While at the same time, the complete rejection of them creates imbalance and disease as well. It is an ongoing journey of setbacks and redemption. I like to think of my favorite version of the Lucifer story, as a being who was ultimately cast to earth on a 'divine mission' to aid in the evolution of man as both ally and nemesis. Bringing the light as well as the choices of how to use it. Lighting the way to the path of the heart, but also lighting a way from it. Free will is the ultimate divine law, and it is ultimately up to each soul how to use the light. At the end of times, when the presence of the Christ impulse fully integrates, the indentured spirit of Lucifer will be supposedly 'redeemed' and relieved of his mission here on this level of existence, to once again return back to the 'One' from which all things came...
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