I hope you all had a very, very happy Materialistic Consumer Day!! I hope it was filled with lots of crap that you didn't need, but wanted to fill the hole left in you that is itself, but a fabrication of the Corporate Madison Avenue machine that serves the forever-profit-hungry beast of Big Corporate Business, which, in turn is but a slave to Big Wall Street and offshore Finance Investment. Whew. Now that I got that out I'm sure a few of you also celebrated, (hopefully) the real reason I have any endearment for this originally pagan holiday, (yeah, if Christ was an actual flesh in blood man, which I do believe, but will not deny that legitimate argument exists to the contrary, he wasn't born on December 25th http://www.history.com/topics/christmas ) is the love of my family and being with them, the joy of giving, and the concept of charitas and good will towards men. Ultimately that birth of "Christ Consciousness" within humankind that is celebrated. The opening of the "heart" which is all about the love of your fellow man that ultimately needs to be a 24/7, 365 days a year thing if true change is EVER going to happen on this planet. The most effective way to combat darkness is to create something beautiful. One superb example comes from a man I met canvassing a couple years back. His name is Michael Chase, and he lives in Biddeford, ME. Michael runs a nonprofit called The Kindness Center. To quote the Kindness Center website, "Michael J. Chase, began The Kindness Center with the vision of creating a more peaceful and kindhearted world. Located in the beautiful state of Maine, he is accomplishing this by inspiring kindness in schools, the workplace, and in everyday life. Through his programs and events, Michael reveals the secrets to true happiness and the incredible benefits of a heart-centered lifestyle" http://thekindnesscenter.com/the_kindness_center/Home.html
I remember meeting Michael after knocking on his door randomly, (kinda what political canvassers do) and within moments of speaking with him and being in his presence, I picked up on his energy. He was one of those people that just made you feel good just being around them. He seemed to radiate positive energy in a manner that few people do. He told me about how he was on a negative path in his life when one day a chance encounter with a turtle in his car caused an epiphany that changed his outlook on the world, which changed his life. Here's more...
And truly inspirational, is his 24 Hours of Kindness...
Gnostic Nativity of Christ
It would be worthless for the Christ to be born one thousand times in Bethlehem if he is not born in our hearts as well. We have to form Christ within ourselves in order to enter through the doors into the triumphant and victorious city on Palm Sunday.
Christmas is a cosmic event that must be performed in each one of us. The Nativity (Christmas) is absolutely individual. It is necessary for the Christ to be born in each one of us... (read more): http://gnosticteachings.org/courses/path-of-the-bodhisattva/516-02-gnostic-nativity-of-christ.html
... and a little about the author, Samael Aun Weor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samael_Aun_Weor
Lobbyists Write the Tax Bill
How Do We Shift Power to the People and Away from Concentrated Corporate Power?
Pentagon’s Christmas Present: Largest Military Budget Since World War II
Coming HomeHomeless; The New Homeless Among Veterans
More Anti-war Activists Subpoenaed for Supposed Al-Queda Ties
Homeland Security Coming to Hotels, Malls
Mexico Says its Troops Killed U.S. Citizen, Covered It Up
Janet Napolitano: TSA Screenings with Full-Body Scanners, Pat-Downs, Not Likely to Change in near Future
Haiti Voodoo Killings Rise as Cholera Epidemic Increases http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/25/haiti-voodoo-killings-ris_n_801213.html
New Zealand Military Releases UFO Files http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/12/22/new-zealand-military-rele_n_800275.html
The Incorruptibles: A Requiem for Civilization
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